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How to Maintain Your Home as You Age

How to Maintain Your Home as You Age

Home is the most important place in the world. It’s the cosy spot we can retreat to after a long day at work, and where we spend time with and reconnect with our partner. Later on, it becomes the place where we raise our kids, and where their entire childhoods are based! It’s where we host our friends, and over the decades, home is where we spend time with our grown kids and grandchildren. It’s so much more than four walls, it’s the most special place in the world filled with memories and so much sentiment, and as we get older it can become even more important. When we journey through life, our needs and abilities will inevitably change (whether it’s just age or disability as well) and our world can become that bit smaller when we’re less mobile. So the place we live needs to be our sanctuary, but maintaining it can become more difficult. We don’t just have aesthetics to think about but functionality and safety as well. Here are some tips to help you ensure your home stays as a comfortable and welcoming haven as you get older. 

Prioritize Accessibility and Mobility

If your mobility needs change as you get older, your home needs to be designed with accessibility in mind. Maybe you need to use a wheelchair, or it could be a case of needing extra help with the stairs or getting in and out of the bath. Consider installing grab bars in key areas such as bathrooms and stairwells to provide you with support and stability. Replacing doorknobs with lever handles can make opening and closing doors much easier for arthritic hands. Ramps or stairlifts can also be worth adding when you have mobility issues as they allow seamless movement between different levels of the house.

Choose the Right Materials

When it comes to home maintenance, choosing the right materials can make a world of difference, especially as we age. Go for flooring options that are slip resistant and easy to clean, like hardwood, vinyl or laminate. Carpeting can be a tripping hazard and can also be challenging to keep clean, so consider minimizing carpeted areas or choose low pile options. Wheelchairs and mobility aids like walking sticks can get stuck on carpets so this is another reason to switch these out. In the kitchen and bathroom, choose countertops and surfaces that are durable, stain resistant, and easy to maintain because cleaning will be so much easier. Investing in quality materials now can save you time and effort on maintenance tasks down the road.

Streamline Cleaning and Organisation

Keeping a tidy home becomes even more important as we age. Simplify your cleaning routines by decluttering and organising your living space. Start by going through each room and getting rid of items you no longer need or use. Invest in storage solutions such as baskets, shelves, and drawer organisers to keep belongings neat and easily accessible. By reducing clutter, you will make cleaning more manageable as well as generally make it more serene and stress free environment.

Get Extra Help When Needed

When certain tasks around the house start to become more challenging or physically demanding, it’s important to seek out the extra help when it’s needed. You could look into hiring a professional cleaner to tackle the deep cleaning tasks that you struggle with doing,  or hiring a handyman for repairs and maintenance as this can really alleviate some of the burdens of keeping your home in order. Asking for the help of family members, friends, or neighbors for assistance with tasks such as garden work or heavy lifting is important too, many people will be happy to help if you just ask. Remember, it's okay to ask for help when you need it, and delegating tasks can help you conserve your energy for the activities you enjoy. While there are some great NDIS housing providers, retirement villages and other options for assisted living these days, if you want to stay living in your own home then it’s important to get the help that you need as time goes on. 

Create a Safe Outdoor Space

While we tend to give much attention is often given to the interior of the home, it's essential not to overlook the outdoor space as well. Make sure any pathways are well lit and free from obstacles or litter to prevent trips and falls. Consider installing handrails or sturdy railings along steps and ramps for added stability. If gardening is a favourite pastime of yours then consider raised beds or container gardens to minimise bending and kneeling. That way you can enjoy your hobby more safely, and for longer.

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