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Smart Ways To Save on Your Home Utilities

Smart Ways To Save on Your Home Utilities

We all know that feeling of dread when we open our monthly utility bills. While there's no getting around that these bills are a necessary part of homeownership, there are ways to reduce the amount you have to pay each month. Keep reading for tips on how to save on your home utility bills

Get an Energy Audit

One of the best ways to find out how to reduce your energy consumption is to get an energy audit. Many utility companies offer this service for free or at a reduced rate. An energy auditor will come to your home and evaluate your energy usage, after which they'll provide you with recommendations on improving your efficiency. Implementing even a few of these recommendations can lead to significant savings on your utility bills.

Install Low-Flow Fixtures

Installing low-flow fixtures is an easy and relatively inexpensive way to reduce your water consumption and, in turn, lower your water bill. Low-flow showerheads, for example, can use up to 50% less water than traditional showerheads without sacrificing water pressure. Check out your local hardware store for a variety of low-flow fixtures to choose from. You may be surprised at how much money you can save by making this simple switch.

Seal Air Leaks

Homes naturally have small gaps and cracks around doors and windows through which air can escape. In the summer, cool air escapes from your home, driving up your energy costs as your AC works overtime to compensate. In the winter, warm air escapes, causing your heating costs to spike. To help reduce drafts and keep your home at a comfortable temperature year-round, seal any gaps or cracks around doors and windows with caulk or weatherstripping. 

Invest In A Smart Thermostat

If you don't already have one, investing in a quality smart thermostat is a great way to conserve energy without putting forth much extra effort once installed and programmed correctly. Smart thermostats allow you to remotely control the temperature in your home–whether you're there or not–which means no more wasted energy heating or cooling an empty house! Many even provide real-time monitoring so you can see just how much impact adjusting the temperature, even just a few degrees, can have–both on comfort level and utility costs.

Invest In Solar Power

Solar power is becoming increasingly popular and more affordable for homeowners. While the upfront cost can be high, you'll save money in the long run as solar panels generate free energy from the sun. If you live in a sunny climate, investing in solar panels could be one of the best decisions you ever make. Not only will you save money in the long run, but it will also add some value to your home.

Unplug Appliances

We've all heard of phantom energy–that power appliances draw even when you're not using them. To save on energy costs, unplug any appliances or electronics using them, including TVs and computers.

Reducing utility costs doesn't have to happen overnight–even small changes like those listed above can make a substantial difference in conserving energy and lowering monthly expenses. It may take some time to research and figure out the best strategy for saving based on individual needs, but investing time upfront will continue to pay off.

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