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Welcome to my blog. I document my home decor journey, motherhood and fashion. Hope you have a nice stay!

How Your Home Can Support Your Health Positively And Negatively

How Your Home Can Support Your Health Positively And Negatively

Your home is more than just a physical structure that shelters you. It is your home, a place that you are making into your own little heaven. It is a place where you can socialize, raise your family, a place where you can relax and unwind and keep you and your cherished items safe and secure. For the majority of people, it is where you spend the majority of your time. 

So, with that in mind, it is understandable that where you live can play a massive role in your health and wellbeing.

How The Condition Of Your Home Impacts Your Health

There is a lot of evidence to demonstrate that if your property has physical deterioration it can play a role in many medical ailments. Having a property that has the presence of mold, pests, or asbestos can all influence physical health and be attributed to many conditions such as asthma or other respiratory conditions. 

Not only can they influence your physical health but if a local mold tester confirms mold in your property, for example, it can also influence your emotional and mental wellbeing and cause stress or depression. 

Of course, these conditions are treatable and with the right treatments can be removed from your home. 

There is also evidence to suggest that if your property is located with a tranquil view, you are more likely to have a calming influence and help stabilize your mood. 

Organization And Clutter

Once you are inside your home, being in a cluttered or disorganized space can also significantly influence and impact how you feel. 

It can be so easy to find it hard to part with items that you have worked hard and tirelessly for or even something that holds sentimental value. However, if you aren’t careful you will find yourself in a position where you have more belongings than space. And, having clutter around is proven not to be good for your mental health. 

It can make you stressed keeping on top of where items are and navigating around your belongings. Having the plunge and having a clear-out of unwanted or old items, can not only change the ‘feel’ of your property but can mentally lift you. Once this is done with some planning and storage solutions you will find yourself happier

The Decor

This is your home. If you want to be your happiest and healthiest version of yourself your home needs to support this. Opting for uplifting colors will help lift your mood on those days when you are possibly feeling a little low. Opting for relaxing paint on the walls in rooms such as your bedroom can help encourage sleep and will support you to get the quality of rest that you need. 

There really is no better feeling than being able to walk into your home and feel safe, comfortable, and cozy. Choosing your furnishing and decor to show your personality and tastes will allow you the ability to feel safe and comfortable in your property and have the ability to leave all the worries and stresses at the door and start to relax.

Seasonal Maintenance: What You Need To Keep Your Home Healthy

Seasonal Maintenance: What You Need To Keep Your Home Healthy

5 Outdoor Decorating Mistakes you need to Avoid

5 Outdoor Decorating Mistakes you need to Avoid