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What You Need to Do to Protect Your Home After A Disaster

What You Need to Do to Protect Your Home After A Disaster

There are many ways for you to keep your home in excellent condition. You can clean it regularly or install home improvements that make the property more efficient and valuable. You can fill it with everything your family needs to feel safe and comfortable. However, there are some issues you can’t prepare for. Severe weather and other issues can cause significant damage to your home, so it’s important to know what to do to protect your home after a disaster. 

Clear Your Gutters 

Strong winds and wet weather can cause debris, like branches and leaves, to get stuck in your gutters. If you don’t remove this debris as soon as possible, there is the risk of it weighing your gutters down and tearing them from your home. This is one of the most common issues people face when trying to protect their home’s exterior, so climb your ladder to check the gutters as soon as it’s safe to do so. 

Remove Standing and Flood Water

Your home could also have suffered from flooding or burst pipes during the extreme weather, which means there could be standing water in your basement or even on the main level. If this is the case, you’ll need to hire an emergency restoration company to remove the water to make your home safe. They may also be able to identify the source of the water and determine whether it was caused by interior damage (such as a burst pipe) or due to the weather and heavy rain. 

Identify Signs of Infestation

Some animals will look for shelter during a storm or when the temperatures drop. While you might want to ensure they are safe from danger, you also do not want them to take up residence in your home because they are still wild animals at the end of the day. Recognizing signs of infestation–and booking pest removal services–can help you protect your home and keep it hygienic. Look for evidence of infections, including droppings, noises in the walls, and any gaps in your home’s walls where theft could have gained entry. 

Air Out Your Home 

Your home might smell considerably after a storm, especially if there is any flood water. You’ll need to remove these smells to ensure your home is habitable and also prevent the rise of mold and dampness that could cause respiratory issues and impact your property’s air quality. 

Seek Financial Assistance 

You may be able to receive financial assistance to help you get your home back to normal following extreme weather and damage. First, you should check if disasters are covered by your home insurance to cover most of the expenses you’ll need to pay to repair or replace items. Besides this, local authorities can offer further assistance in more severe cases, especially if your home is no longer livable due to the damage. 


From heavy rain to strong winds and beyond, many conditions could damage your property and may put you and your family at risk even after the fact. These tips can help you get your home back to its best and ensure a safe and comfortable environment for everyone.

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