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Don't Forget The Gutters!

Don't Forget The Gutters!

We often spend so long taking care of the inside of the home and the exterior that we can immediately see - we forget the roof over our heads - literally! 

Of course, not everyone wants to clean the gutters, but it is essential that you do so. It doesn’t matter where you live since most gutters will go through similar things. 

Gutters quickly accumulate leaves, bird nests, feathers, rain debris, and more. Often we don’t notice there is a problem until the water starts overflowing - causing damage to the wall. 

Photo by Zohair Mirza on Unsplash

How can you spot damage from the gutter?

Ideally, you or someone who can hop on a ladder and head up to inspect the gutters regularly. 

Yet, most of the time, it isn’t until we see the damage that the gutter water is causing, we know something is wrong. 

Here are a couple of things that can highlight that you have gutter issues:

  • Water is running down or dripping down the side of the house when it shouldn’t be. Misplaced water is a sign that your gutters are clogged somewhere, and the water is finding a way to escape. 

  • Pooling water on your lawn or anywhere around the property can signify that the downpipe is not correctly connected. 

  • Insects can be common if you have pooling water in your gutters; you can also be more susceptible to mice. 

How often should I clean my gutters?

Experts believe you should check on your gutters at least twice a year, but you can do this more often. Regular inspection of the gutters and roof can let you know if you require roof repair, gutter cleaning, or replacement, or if you have pests nesting in your gutters. 

If you have trees around the property, it is essential to inspect the gutters more often. Trees often shed leaves and branches all year, which can clog your gutters much quicker. 

Will I need to replace my gutters?

Most gutters have at least 20 years of life before needing to be replaced; however, if you live in an area surrounded by trees and wildlife or extreme weather, this can be reduced. Metal gutters last the longest and are the best investment when it comes to getting your gutters replaced. 

If you neglect your yearly maintenance, you will need to replace your gutters quickly compared to their original lifespan.

Is cleaning your gutters difficult?

Most people will book a gutter cleaning service twice a year and know it is taken care of. If you are cleaning your gutters yourself, then you should follow these steps:

  • Wear eye and hand protection

  • Have a container ready for the gunk that you will be removing

  • Check for leaks

  • If there is mold, remove as much of it as you can with bleach 

  • Secure your ladder well, and if you aren’t comfortable, then book a professional. 

Sometimes the standing water can begin to smell, and as you remove the debris, you might get a big waft of it! So be prepared for that too. 

Remember that cleaning your gutters is an integral part of home maintenance; here are some more tips: Enhancing The Exterior Of Your Home: How To Add Serious Curb Appeal

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